The Burning of the Charlestown Convent

” At the bottom of the intolerance which led to this outrage was an effective campaign against the Catholics which had been slowing developing the America for some time. By the early 1830′ writers had learned that Americans liked sensationalism in their propaganda just as in their religion and politics” (pg.4).   In 1834 Charlestown, Massachusetts went through a challenging time having face a religious act through a campaign. The famous Convent was burned in the town of Charlestown, with this people around wanted this to prove something to the Catholics and believed that it would help them (Catholics) to stop telling people how to live their lives in a religious matter.

The campaign started back in the early 1830’s against the Catholics. This came about from, “these writers were suspicious of the devotion which the Catholics showed in educating Protestant children while paying little attention to the educational needs of those of their own faith” (pg.5). In regards to the education this included the school of  the Ursuline convent in Charlestown, Massachusetts. When it came to the school of Ursuline, it was triggered around the wealthy daughters of Unitarians that were suspects within the combining of the communities religion. Protestant parents were made to believe that by sending their children to a convent school they risked both the virtue of their daughters and their future of their country”(pg.5).

Through the  differences in religions and the heat against the Catholic a message was sent to burn the infamous burning of the With the Ursuline Convent straight to the ground. “The reaction of the mass of protestants to the burning of the convent in Charlestown indicated that Nativism had reached a where even the destruction  of property, as long as it belonged to Catholics, would not be frowned upon by a majority of the people”.  Through all this no one was found guilty  of the burning of the convent.

The Burning of the Charlestown Convent

Author: Ray Allen Billington
Pages 24 of 4-24

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